Thursday, May 29, 2008

BLACKS FUN TOUCH at saint andrews village.

where i reluctantly joined a team in the men's category. luckily i wasnt the only girl. but it was a pretty good day in the sun. happy to see shan and mongs there! next time ex-hc team okayyy haha. now for peekchures of this pretty day.

the weather was pretty fantastic, as was the astro turf. but beware BURNS when diving.

and the celebrity of the day: WOOKIE!! haha derel's damn freaking cute dog.
shan asked me to put these pics up actually. there you go, birthday girl who couldnt stop beaming. i swear she looked like an idiot the whole of last night, so pleased she was with our company. :) you actually look like a normal human being in this photo. or maybe cuz theres a dog for comparison hahaha. lubchew la heh.

and not forgetting the games. i'm glad someone was taking photos, i rarely see such nice ones.

my team!

thats all folks i'm tireddd.

now if she does it like this will you do it like that.
now if she touches like this, will you touch her right back.
now if she moves like this, will you move it like that.

2 days to guilt-free fun!! :)
12:17:00 AM

results of my medical specialty aptitude test haha. right now i want anything SURGICAL, but who knows, maybe something will change my mind in the years to come.
but as of this moment, plastic surgery suits me just fine. so what if it takes the most number of years to specialize in huh. note fam med's right at the bottom haha.

for anyone interested: http://www.med-ed.virginia.edu/specialties/Home.cfm.

see if you like what you get haha.
12:05:00 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Specialty Score
1 plastic surgery 42
2 urology 41
3 radiology 39
4 nuclear med 39
5 ophthalmology 39
6 gastroenterology 38
7 anesthesiology 38
8 dermatology 37
9 colon & rectal surgery 37
10 general surgery 37
11 otolaryngology 36
12 orthopaedic surgery 36
13 neurology 35
14 thoracic surgery 35
15 endocrinology 35
16 cardiology 34
17 pulmonology 34
18 emergency med 34
19 radiation oncology 33
20 obstetrics/gynecology 33
21 psychiatry 33
22 neurosurgery 33
23 aerospace med 32
24 pathology 32
25 infectious disease 32
26 hematology 32
27 allergy & immunology 31
28 rheumatology 31
29 physical med & rehabilitation 31
30 pediatrics 31
31 occupational med 29
32 general internal med 29
33 nephrology 28
34 med oncology 28
35 preventive med 27
36 family practice 26
11:58:00 PM
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